the colbys episode 24 - “Checkmate”
We have finally come to the end of the First Season. It has had it hits and misses but definitely picked up steam in the later half of the season. Sable is rushed to the hospital where it turns out she only has a flesh wound. Yes, there was about 5 minutes of concern that the swelling caused by the injury could cause blindness (and we all love blindness as a plot device) but none of that happens. What does happen is that Sable, once again, believes that Jason truly loves her and their marriage can be salvaged.
There doesn’t seem to be a lot of blood
Sable’s belief is strengthened when Jason returns the tape to her and tells her that he believes that she and Zach never slept together. Jason did not happen to mention that Zach told him that Sable is devoted to Jason and never strayed, and if she had, Zach would be proud to tell Jason that. And, once again, Sable tells Zach goodbye - she is returning to Jason. Zach is really good at playing the waiting game. He tells Sable that he will be there for her when she is ready to come back to him.
Good thing Sable invested in matching turbans
Meanwhile, Jason pays a visit to Moretti to present him with the exonerating evidence against Miles. This really should be something that Garrett does but I guess he is too busy getting dumped by Dominique at their engagement party for the years of lying to her. Moretti promises to check it out before dropping the charges against Miles but vows to get Jason. Oh look, an opportunity just happens to be in the newspaper - an article about Sable being shot. Moretti pays a visit to Sable in the hospital just as she is about to be discharged, but Sable assures Moretti that it was an accident and had Jason wanted to shoot her, he would not have missed.
Those turbans come in so many colors
At home, Sable prepares a romantic dinner for Jason in her bedroom. While lighting the candles, Connie shows up expecting to see Sable an invalid. Did Connie really just come back for this? Sable shows Connie the tape that Jason gave to her and assures her that she and Jason are back together despite Connie’s attempts to ruin their marriage. Sable appears to have the last laugh against Connie and wishes her well on her long trip. Connie assures Sable that Sable’s trip will be just as long (A little foreshadowing).
Connie isn’t good at playing dumb
Connie is so bothered by all this that she may cancel her long cruise with Hutch. She goes to Jason and chastises him for returning the tape to Sable. Jason assures Connie that he has matters under control, that Connie should go on the cruise, and that he could not use the tape against Sable. Connie is not concerned about Sable, she is concerned about Zach. Sable will get half of Jason’s empire, and then Zach will control it and then the Colbys. I am not sure how it works that way since Jeff controls half. If you give Sable half of Jason’s that is only 25%. Well, that is according to my math. Connie must have gotten to Jason because he decides to take decisive - and stupid - action.
Enjoy the cruise Connie
But before we get to the checkmate part of this Sable-Jason marriage situation, let’s cover the other matters. Zach returns to the apartment to find Bliss with Spiro. Zach commands that Spiro take Bliss home and that he needs to stay away from her. Even worse, Zach figures out that it was Spiro who set up Miles and Jeff so that everyone would blame Zach and Spiro could take over. Spiro offers to share the Colby mother and daughter but Zach banishes Spiro. I wonder if Bliss will ever figure this out.
You may want to turn around Zach
Zach wishes Spiro well
Now that Monica has the key to Neil’s apartment, I guess she feels that she can drop by whenever she wants. Why else would Neil give her the key? When Neil calls out with the flu, Monica decides to bring him some chicken soup. Wouldn’t you know it, Monica catches Neil in bed with his wife, Gayle. I don’t know who is the bigger idiot. Monica for believing Neil or Neil for giving Monica a key. Monica ultimately wins the bigger idiot award. Upset, Monica drives to the airport and determines that this is the best time to fly her plane. It is one thing for Miles to drive his Ferrari erratically when he is upset, but to fly a plane? What the hell is Monica thinking? Also, she should have checked to see how much gas is in the plane before taking off. Wouldn’t you know it - the plane runs out of fuel and goes does.
Shouldn’t have taken the key, Monica
And you were supposed to be the smarter twin.
Now that Miles is cleared of the crime, he feels like a new man but is not ready to find a new love. He still has feelings for Fallon. Why are we doing this again? Fallon and Jeff are married and Fallon is likely pregnant. Jeff is excited about the news. Fallon gets confirmation for the doctor that she is pregnant, but she is further along that she expected. Oh no - at the time of conception, Fallon was raped by Miles as well as having relations with Jeff. Either one could be the father. Why does this sound awfully familiar? Oh yeah, Season 3 finale of Dynasty when Kirby finds out she is pregnant after marrying Jeff. When the doctor tells her she is further along, Kirby realizes that Adam, who raped her, is the father. I guess the only difference is that Kirby knew Adam was the father while Fallon does not know who is the father.
Fallon is concerned we are repeating storylines
Back to the checkmate. Jason is determined to end his marriage as soon as possible and to marry Frankie as soon as possible. He tells Frankie that the two of them are flying to the Dominican Republic to take care of matters right way. This literally has to be the stupidest idea ever. There is no marriage settlement, so Sable will just get half of everything which is the exact thing that Connie feared. Also, despite what Alexis did to Dex, you just can’t go divorce someone without their consent (or a contested trial).
Sable is taking the news well.
Jason tells Sable what he plans to do. That he no longer loves her and that their marriage has been dead for years (really?). He also attributes it to Sable’s deception by trying to have Connie institutionalized and by dragging Jeff into court. This is some bad rewriting of history on Jason’s part. He was already confessing his love for Frankie before any of this. Don't be blaming this on Sable, Jason. This is all you. You even claimed to Frankie that you should have married her all those years ago (let’s ignore that she was married to your brother).
Real well. Poor stunt double
After Jason leaves, Sable tries to go after him, but trips down the stairs. I guess that is the long trip that Connie was referring. It really has been a rough week for Sable, and now nothing will stop Jason from running off to the Dominican Republic with Frankie. Nothing that is until Sable tells Moretti that the bruises from her fall came from the hands of Jason, that Jason is jealous and gives Moretti the tape. The police act really quick because they manage to catch Jason at the airport with Frankie. Sable also makes it their to show off her fierce bruises as Jason is arrested for abusing Sable.
Will Jason and Frankie ever be happy? Do we care?
You two really want to go through with this.
Memorable Dialogue
Zach: You know Jason, you really don’t deserve her.
Jason: The lady is still my wife.
Zach: Ah, your wife, yes, to have and to hold. Another Colby asset.
Connie: Well, I expected to find an invalid, not the Queen of Sheba. I must say, you take a bullet in your head very well.
Sable: Ha ha. I can survive a great deal more than you think, Connie, even your little scheme to undermine my marriage.
Connie: Your husband is in love with another woman.
Sable: No, I’ve got him back and there is nothing you can do about it this time. You’re all washed up Constance. You played your last card and you’ve lost. Have a good, long trip dear.
Connie: Not nearly as long the one you’re going to take, Sable.
Jason: Connie, she’s the mother of my children. She’s not my enemy.
Connie: But Zach Powers is. He’s the Colby enemy. He is using Sable. Alright if you want to play it noble. She will walk out of this marriage with half of your empire and it will end up in Zach Power’s pocket. My God, Jason, he will own you. He will own all of us. And that will be the end of the Colbys.
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