dynasty Episode 176 - The Siege, Part 2
As noted in the previous episode, Blake returns to find the mansion empty. The police believe they will find Matthew and his hostages rather quickly since it is unlikely for them to get back to Peru soon. The police also find two guards dead (sucks for them) and a wounded Dex. Dex really needs to stop going to Carrington weddings - he will be killed at one eventually. Maybe Dex will know where Matthew took the Carrington clan. Hell, just after Dex gets out of surgery to remove the bullet, Blake wants to question Dex. At least they give Dex a little time to recover. Dex, finally able to barely speak, says that Matthew was speaking about LB. Blake wonders what Matthew would have to do with his grandson, especially since LB was born after Matthew left the show the first time. Then, it comes to Blake, Matthew must have been talking about Lankersham-Blaisdel 1, because Matthew never referred to it as LB. I was secretly hoping it referred to Lindsay Blaisdel. Oh well.
Matthew really returned for this?
Anyway, Blake believes Matthew has taken the family out to Lankersham-Blaisdel 1, which had been a part of Denver Carrington until Adam signed it over to Claudia. So, why would the place still have the old signs? Also, if the well was drying up at the end of Season 6, why does the place look abandoned for years. It also looks a lot different than the last time we saw it when a very pregnant Pamela Bellwood confronted Blake. Wait, why am I worried about this?
Now you tell Jannette you love her.
Matthew does not just want Krystle to join him the jungle - he also wants Steven to join him since Steven is not like the rest of the family. Maybe Matthew should have rented Seasons 2-7 on DVD because then he would realize that Steven has changed. Why would Steven leave his current life and son, to live in some odd communist paradise that Matthew keeps promoting? A communist paradise, mind you, where Matthew has access to American money, weapons and has subjected the natives to his will. Steven acts intrigued by the idea, but it is nothing more than to buy time.
Such a hot mess, no shirt and a mullet
Leslie hates Steven's passive way of surviving this siege and pretty much questions his parenting abilities. I see the connection, don't you. Leslie is going to escape again and get help. I cannot blame her, that pink dress is making me nauseous too. Anything to just change clothes. Once again, Leslie's plan fails and Matthew is super pissed. He is about to have Leslie killed but Steven is able to convince Matthew otherwise. Leslie apologizes and promises never to escape again. We've all heard that one before.
Leslie can't wear this dress any more
Krystle believes that Blake will eventually find them and rescue them. Krystle is pretty much right. Blake takes a helicopter out to Lankersham-Blaisdel 1 and sees his cars there. Of course, the helicopter tips off Matthew who prepares for Blake's arrival by purchasing some dynamite from some guy who wears a denim jacket and no shirt. The guy knows Matthew from his past but must have forgotten that Matthew died. Haven't we all. Matthew also gets Krystle to read from his diary (I guess he brought that with him to South America and it also survived the car accident). It's pretty late for Matthew to try to rekindle things with Krystle, especially since it seems that he is going to die anyway. You know, Matthew has head problems, which is such a common ailment on this show. What a crazy plan.
Matthew likes Leslie in the pink!
Alexis, meanwhile, wants to find out more about the man who rescued her, and who better to turn to than to Morgan Hess, the only private investigator in Denver. Hess is leery of doing any more work for Alexis because it always seems to end badly for him. Then, Hess realizes that Alexis has a heart and is a romantic because this job seems personal. Touched by the humanity, Morgan agrees to the job. Who knew it was so simple?
Mr. Hess is back and looking as sharp as ever
In Hawaii, Adam and Dana are enjoying the bliss of being recently married and then Adam goes and ruins the happiness by asking, well actually commanding, Dana to provide him with many children. We don't know why yet, but Dana does not seem so thrilled about becoming nothing more that a vessel for Adam's seed.
It could be worse, Dana, it could be worse
At least Adam and Dana are in a far more pleasant place than Jeff and Fallon who enjoy hanging around the Mojave Desert. Instead of bringing Fallon back to Los Angeles or tell Fallon what happened to Francesca (the reason she was in the desert in the first place), Jeff feels it is best just to get a cheap motel in the desert for another night. How long is Fallon going to wear this same outfit? Jeff is not entirely convinced that Fallon just had car troubles and walked around the desert for miles. Hell, her boots are not even scuffed. Does Jeff think Fallon was having an affair out there? Fallon does not want to explain herself and most definitely does not want to tell Jeff of her encounter with a UFO. At least we get a cool flashback of the alien, which is nothing more than a man in a body suit. I am going to say it is Peter DeVilbis who has returned for Fallon. Oh, also Fallon wants to return to Denver because The Colbys has been cancelled and they need the work.
Oh yeah, my mother was kidnapped by the man who I thought was my father, but let's pretend that never happened.
Back at Lankersham-Blaisdel 1, the cops arrive, but it does not matter for Matthew who has pretty much set up the dynamite as he is going to go out in a blaze of glory. There is a firefight where the rest of Matthew's posse is shot and killed (with no blood) and one cop went down also (again, no blood). At this point, Matthew agrees to let everyone go if he could speak personally to Blake to arrange his return to Peru. Alexis also arrives after she is told of the hostage situation after her afternoon nap at work.
More spaceship flashbacks please
Blake enters the building after everyone is released except for Krystle. Krystle shows Matthew that she really does love and want to be with Blake, but it does not matter because Matthew sets off the timer to the dynamite. All three will die in a minute. Of course, this being television, the bomb will not go off in a minute because there must be five minutes of dialogue for the matter to be resolved. Blake and Krystle just stand there holding each other instead of making a run for it and hope Matthew has terrible aim, which he does.
Alexis's presence is always appreciated and welcome
The man in the denim jacket without a shirt, rushes to the scene to tell the police that he sold Matthew some dynamite. That news prompts Steven to enter the building (real smart). He distracts Matthew just enough so Blake can pull the wire of the bomb (and it helps that Matthews shot was no where near Blake). Then, to top it off, Steven grabs the knife that Matthew had put into the wall and stabs and kills Matthew. Way to go Steven. So, Matthew is your friend even though you slept with his wife who you later married. And now you have killed him. Some friend.
Steven needs to work on his foreplay
Memorable Dialogue
Alexis: Who, what happened?
Blake: Matthew and his men broke into our house.
Alexis: Why?
Blake: He wanted Krystle.
Alexis: Krystle? I'm not sacrificing my family for that woman.
Previous Episode - The Siege, Part 1
Next Episode - The Aftermath