Dynasty Episode 179 - The Surrogate, Part 1
Alexis really wants to learn more about Sean since back rubs and sex are not enough. Sean's cryptic answers to every question force Alexis to turn to Morgan Hess to follow Sean to learn about him. Maybe Alexis should choose someone who does not wear such easily recognizable attire because Sean catches him following him within a day. Discovered, Alexis has a better idea, she wants Sean to join her at Colby Co. because he is smart. Wow, is that the only qualification? So, let's get this straight. Alexis needs to have Sean followed so she can learn more about him but is then willing to hire him at her company as a consultant. Smart business move to me. And, what is Sean's first assignment - resolving the conflict she and Blake are having over some timberland that Blake wants as a wildlife refuge and Alexis wants for her newspaper. That move also pisses Adam off since that was his project. Like I said, smart business move.
Is Alexis actually biting her tongue!
That's right, Blake's major campaign issue will be protecting Colorado's environment. I know it seems rather crazy that an oil tycoon who has soaked up plenty of Colorado's resources wants to become an environmentalist. Blake got his, so screw everyone else. Okay, that was harsh. In any event, Blake wants the state to acquire 70000 acres of land to serve as a wildlife refuge. This is the same land that Alexis feels can help her save costs with her newspaper. (Quick side note, didn't Sammy Jo inherit a bunch of newspapers that Daniel Reese owned. Whatever happened to that?) Now we have the point of contention between Blake and Alexis - a bunch of trees.
Krystle is always happy to see Alexis
Alexis storms over to the mansion to confront Blake and Krystle. With Krystle giving Alexis the evil eye, Blake tells Alexis, rightly, that there is plenty of timber land for her to acquire. It is a shame that Dominique had liquidated Tom's estate because there was plenty of timberland in that. It does not matter to Alexis, she wants that timberland and she does not want to be out maneuvered by Blake's new found love for the environment, especially if it will help Blake's campaign. Well, if it is a fight on her hand that Alexis wants, Blake will give it to her.
Hess really needs a new jacket
In addition to all of this, Alexis still manages to find time to deliver some paper work personally to Dex out at the pipeline construction sight (which continues to use stock footage from Season 1 of Lankersham-Blaisdel #1). The only reason for this is so that Alexis can see Dex and Leslie together and to have Dex suggest that Alexis better not poach Leslie from him. Doesn't Dex know that Alexis just hires smart people and then finds something for them to do at Colby Co?
General fierceness
So Blake is under some delusion that his children are just fine. While holding Krystle, Blake notes that Adam and Dana are doing good, Jeff and Fallon have returned and the arrangement between Sammy Jo and Steven seems to be working. Further, the two have a beautiful daughter. Funny, no mention of Amanda. Regardless, Blake really should pay more attention to what is going on instead of writing campaign speeches. He can hire writers for that.
Blissfully ignorant
Remember Blake owns a football team? Well, it is back, and Steven has taken a new found interest in the sport. The team has a bloated budget and few wins to show for it, but Steven believes he can turn it around. Blake agrees to sell him the team (who cares how Steven gets the money) since he was going to unload it anyway (but Josh said he just reacquired it). Steven is going to run this team Jerry Jones style which means very hands on. First order of business is that he is going to waive the current quarterback and allow the young hot head who was drafted in the first round to take the helm - Josh Harris.
Danny can't believe his father likes football!
I'd rather exercise then look directly at Krystle's outfit!
Josh is an arrogant hot head (I mentioned that already) but he must have some talent. When Steven invites Josh over to the ranch to tell him the good news, Josh naturally assumes that Steven is only doing this so that he can get Josh into bed. I am sure Steven can find better ways to get a man in the sack. Then again, why have Josh come to your home. Oh, that's right, so he can run into Sammy Jo. There is an instant attraction between the two. This is good news for Sammy Jo because she must be really horny under her current arrangement with Steven. Well, that is at least what Krystle believes even though she won't say so in those words. Krystle is such a prude.
They could make a cute couple, so many blonds!
As for Fallon and Jeff, the two continue to drift apart. Jeff is not happy that Fallon has sent for the children and made the unilateral decision that they should remain in Denver. Jeff is pissed because he at least wanted to talk to Fallon about becoming Blake's campaign manager before making a decision. It does not matter that Jeff really wanted the job and Fallon would have been cool with it, Jeff still needs to be angry. The two are about to make up by having a special dinner at the Carlton. But, wouldn't you know it, Jeff cannot make it because of a campaign obligation (why he suggested dinner in the first place is beyond me). Fallon is not thrilled, especially since Jeff had Fallon waiting for 75 minutes before contacting her. Oh, and why did they not send for the children sooner - it's not like they are in school or anything.
It's hard for Sammy Jo to see the father of her child naked
Finally, we have Adam and Dana. Adam is not willing to give up just yet. Dana needs a second opinion even though Dana is pretty sure she cannot conceive. So, what does Dana do, she visits Dr. Edwards in Billings because he must be some sort of fertility expert. Obviously, he is not, but we do get some cryptic message that the two of them know why Dana cannot conceive. She needed to use the corporate jet just for that. Dr. Edwards suggests that the two can always adopt. Gee, why didn't Dana think of that on her own.
Jeff really is sensitive. And Steven is the gay one?
When Dana presents the idea to Adam, he is not thrilled because he wants a child that is his own flesh and blood. It does seem pretty hypocritical since he was adopted by Blake and Alexis (we are still working under the ridiculous assumption that Adam is not Blake and Alexis's biological child). What is poor Dana to do. It is amazing what you can learn watching late night television because Dana sees a story about surrogate mothers. Basically, you can have another woman carry your child for you, and it would biologically be related to Adam. Dana has an answer to their dilemma. Too bad, Dana was not following the Baby M saga that was going on in New Jersey at the time or else she would have realized that this is really not a good idea. At least, it will keep them occupied for the rest of the season (and there will be a Part 2).
Dana never seems to be happy!
Memorable Dialogue
Fallon: Because, I find it difficult to discuss anything with you anymore.
Jeff: Like little men in spaceships.
Blake: Yes, I'm well aware of that. I'm also aware that it happens to be a refuge for wildlife in this state.
Alexis: Oh, spare me the bambi stories.
Alexis: The reason that I am who I am and where I am is because I make everything my business.
Steven: You know you really are some piece of work, Harris. You're arrogant and you've got a big mouth.
Josh: Yeah, those are some of my good qualities.
Steven [to Josh]: Believe me, the only place I want your body is down on that football field - got it!
Previous Episode - The Announcement
Next Episode - The Surrogate, Part 2