dynasty Episode 81 - The Voice, Part 3
Now that Alexis is well rested, she is prepared to deal with Rashid Ahmed. Alexis pays off Mark to enjoy some tarts in Hong Kong and has Rashid to her suite. Mark makes it to the hotel bar where he encounters Dex. The two had patched things up a few episodes back, so the meeting is amiable. Hell, Dex even buys Mark's drink for him. It really is rough for Mark to be Alexis's body guard.
You are not in the wrong suite Dex!
Dex is tired of not being able to call Alexis so he gets a couple of bell hops to bring gifts and to let Dex into Alexis's suite. Well, the surprise is on Dex as Rashid Ahmed leaves the room wearing just a towel. Dex wisely sends the bell hops away. Alexis pops up and tries to ease the tension by sending Rashid away and dealing with Dex on her own.
Dex tells Alexis that he believed in fidelity (remember this for the future) and that Alexis is no better than a bitch in heat. Naturally, Alexis does not take it well and slaps Dex. Call this women's liberation or abuse, but Dex slaps Alexis back and then the two begin to struggle. No punches are thrown, but Dex is forceful in getting Alexis off of him. The tussling results in the two embracing and kissing one another. Before it goes any further, Dex stops it and leaves Alexis telling her that the two are through.
No one calls Alexis a slut!
Back in Denver, Adam demands that Steven tell him why Alexis is in Hong Kong. Now, Adam really should be able to figure this out on his own. Besides, Steven will not tell him a thing and still blames Adam for stealing Colby Co research, which Adam did. Adam talks to Blake about his concerns of Alexis being in Hong Kong but Blake believes that nothing will stop this deal from going through.
No one slaps Dex
Blake has taken the financial world by storm and everyone is dying to interview him. Krystle has set up an interview with Gordon Wales. Wales is a very tough interviewer and Krystle wants to be there to aid Blake and prevent his famous temper from rising. Blake believes he can handle it. Blake was wrong about being able to handle it especially when the questioning got to why Tracy was and remains in Hong Kong.
Dex, you forgot Alexis has nails
It is a good thing for Tracy that she stayed in Hong Kong and continued to wear that same blue dress. She runs into Dex at the hotel bar. Well, what better thing for two rejected individuals to do than to end up in bed. After the hookup, Dex has a business proposition for Tracy. He wants Tracy to work for Alexis at Colby Co (no need to worry, Alexis will hire her because of her knowledge of Denver Carrington). At the same time, Tracy will be on Dex's payroll and keep an eye on Alexis's dealings. What girl would not want to collect two salaries?
Dex and Tracy will get some action in Hong Kong, afterall
Kirby has a new purpose in life. She gets the police to allow her to see Joseph's suicide letter with her own eyes. She is now positive that Alexis drove Joseph to suicide - as if she already did not know. No need for Kirby to fret, she will take care of Alexis. Kirby goes to purchase a handgun which seemed a little more difficult than it should have been, being Colorado and all. Regardless, Kirby has her gun and is preparing to take shooting lessons. Any guesses on the target??
I don't like the music at carousels either
Now that Jeff's divorce to Kirby has been finalized, he encourages Fallon to reconsider her decision with respect to marrying him. Fallon still is not ready. Jeff then takes Fallon to a park with a merry-go-round that would be perfect for L.B.'s second birthday party. While riding the carousel, Fallon has another severe migraine.
Krystle's got this call, Claudia
Claudia finally figures out who has been tormenting her and why. While at the mansion with Krystle, another one of those calls comes in. This time, Krystle takes the call and Matthew's voice does not acknowledge Krystle's existence and says the same thing. When Krystle mentions this to Claudia, Claudia remembers a taped letter that Matthew said he sent her but that Matthew's mother claimed was never received.
If Fallon had joined them, we would have Charlie's Angels
Claudia and Krystle go over to Mother Blaisdel's home and get her to admit that she had the tape and sold it to some man. Mother Blaisdel wanted Claudia to suffer for what she did to Matthew and sold her out for $500. That man happens to be Morgan Hess. Blake goes to confront Hess and learns that Hess created this scheme all on his own with the goal of placing the blame on Alexis which would drive a wedge between Alexis and Steven. Blake has Morgan arrested on some charge that I think does not exist.
Let the men handle this
Claudia also has the option of having Mother Blaisdel charged on the same non-existent crime but believes Mother Blaisdel has suffered enough. Now, Claudia can move forward with her life with Steven and Danny and live in familial bliss with her gay husband. Glad that is settled.
The deal is done!
Jeff congratulates Blake on his coup of the century getting those South China Sea leases and finally raising the $100 million needed for those leases. Blake is ecstatic. But, if Blake had only paid more attention as to what was going on in Hong Kong. Rashid has a very expensive gift for Alexis, a mirror that was awarded to a Tibetan princess after the defeat of a Mongol invasion. Alexis wants more than just gifts and Rashid has that. He promises Alexis that he is about to kill Blake financially, and when the news hits, it will rock the financial world. Alexis loves the sound of that.
Alexis loves what she sees
Memorable Dialogue
Dex: Alexis and I have a corporation.
Mark: That's right. Dex-Lex or Lex-Dex. I can never remember which of you is on top.
Dex: And I told you I hadn't slept with any type after I met you.
Alexis: So what
Dex: After I've fallen in love with you except I didn't know that what I've fallen for was a slut. A slut with the morals of a dog in perpetual heat.
Alexis: You over-rated cowboy; you thought you owned me. Well, nobody owns Alexis.
Tracy: My ability to guess well has nothing to do with my sex.
Dex: Sex. I like the way you say that now.
Tracy: Two strangers in a strange place. What else is there to talk about?
Rashid: Because the explosion will be heard all over the financial world as Blake Carrington will be dead financially.
Alexis: Blake's funeral, finally.
Previous Episode - The Voice, Part 2
Next Episode - Birthday