dynasty episode 17 - fallon’s father

Steven feels guilty that Fallon may learn that Blake is not her father so he invites her over to talk.  Fallon wants to make amends with her brother as does Steven.  Besides, it will get her out of home shopping with Jeff.  Steven is not cryptic at all which raises Fallon's suspicions.  But Steven convinces Fallon just to accept that he loves her and she will always have him regardless of others.  Nancy Drew, I mean, Fallon let's it go for now. 

I thought we left that Olivia Newton John headband in Season 1

I thought we left that Olivia Newton John headband in Season 1

Krystle is feeling a little bit insecure with Alexis just a stone's throw away in the studio.  I guess pregnancy is making her a little moody because she is angered that Alexis managed to take the last of the roses on the vast estate.   There are flowers all over the house, and yet there are only 12 roses left.  Krystle confronts Alexis in the studio about taking things that do not belong to her.  Alexis apologizes for her lack of consideration and then offers to paint Krystle, as a joint birthday present to Blake.  Krystle wants none of that. 

Don't look out the window Krystle

Don't look out the window Krystle

Actually, there are quite a few people at the Carrington estate that make Krystle feel uneasy.  Claudia is upstairs.  Krystle wants to reach out to Claudia but is apprehensive.  Gee I wonder why?  You did sleep with her husband while she in the sanitarium.  She finally gets the nerve to talk to Claudia and tells Claudia that she would like to be friends.  It went over as well as to be expected.  Claudia has an affair and loses everything, while Krystle does the same and has it all.  Claudia really does have a point here.  

Claudia may be crazy but she is not stupid!

Claudia may be crazy but she is not stupid!

Krystle decides to confide in Dr. Nick about what Claudia had said.  She probably should go to different psychologist than one who is on Blake's bankroll.  But, then again, Dr. Nick is pretty quickly ingratiating himself into the Carrington household.  Good for him and his master plan. 

No wonder the DeLorean did not take off

No wonder the DeLorean did not take off

Alexis has a master plan of her own - to get Blake to put Steven back in the will.  She enlists the help of Cecil of all people.  Why would Cecil want to get involved?  Oh, maybe because Alexis tells Cecil that he is Fallon's father.  In a rewrite, we learn that Fallon and Cecil almost went to bed.  Phew!  That would be father-daughter incest.  Oh, but wait, if Cecil is Fallon's father that makes her and Jeff first cousins, not the second cousins they already are.  Totally incest issues for Fallon.  How can Alexis be so sure that Cecil is the father, I mean she got around that circle of Blake's friends.  Alexis is certain.  Regardless, Cecil agrees to help Alexis.  Cecil talks to Steven and tells him that he needs to make amends with Blake, or else Denver Carrington will go to Fallon and then become part of Colby Co.  I don't know how that is a winning argument.

That's kind of creepy

That's kind of creepy

It goes over really well because Steven gets wasted and manages to make it to the Carrington mansion to talk to Blake.  Maybe he took a cab.  Again, the conversation does not go well - and Steven runs off.  Blake does not follow.  As Steven runs the grounds with dogs barking he trips, hits his head on the railing of the pool and sinks to the bottom.  I guess homosexuals don't float.  But at least his head wound is better than Ted Dinard's.  While the dogs sit at the edge of the pool and bark, Dr. Nick, who is bringing Krystle home, jumps in and saves Steven.   

Steven does a little redocrating

Steven does a little redocrating

Alexis rushes to the hospital and is concerned that Steven may have suffered brain damage.  She seeks comfort from Blake - and you know what that means.  Krystle pops in just as Blake is holding a crying Alexis. 

It was bound to happen Krystle

It was bound to happen Krystle

Memorable Dialogue 

Krystle:  Who is mistress of this house?
Jeanette:  Well, you are ma'am
Krystle:  Thank you, Jeanette

Cecil:  It's 16 years since we last met.  Longer than that since you and I felt anything strong for each other.
Alexis:  Don't you believe in burning embers?
Cecil:  Don't con a con artist darling.

Cecil:  C'mon Alexis that affair was practically a one night stand.
Alexis:  How gallant!  Well maybe to you, but to me it made a more lasting impression - namely, nine months of pregnancy.

Krystle:  There's something about you that makes me feel. . .
Nick:  Freightened?
Krystle:  Uneasy


Previous Episode - Alexis' Secret
Next Episode - Reconciliation