dynasty Episode 24 - The Car Explosion

It is pretty difficult trying to keep track of everything here.  Okay, it really isn't.  But it seems everybody wants somebody who doesn't want them.  Fallon wants Nick, but he wants Krystle.  Alexis wants Blake, but he is still in love in Krystle.  Krystle still kind of wants Blake.  One thing is for certain, Steven wants Sammy Jo and that is just plain weird.   

Why isn't Krystle wearing the fur?

Why isn't Krystle wearing the fur?

Steven and Sammy Jo return to the mansion.  Sammy Jo was hoping for a honeymoon but Steven cannot afford one.  Sammy Jo is not thrilled - she thought she had married into money, how can Steven be broke?  Sammy Jo will hide her disappointment, or more like greed.  Krystle is a little apprehensive about the wedding because it was done so quickly.  Alexis is determined to annul this travesty.  Fallon is reluctantly supportive.  Jeff seems to be happy, and Claudia pretends to be happy too.  Just wait until Blake finds out. 

I would have that look too Fallon

I would have that look too Fallon

Steven not only marries Sammy Jo, but tells Alexis that he wants to become a professional race car driver and asks his mother for a loan.  Alexis will not give him the money.  She claims it is because she does not want her son to be involved in such a dangerous profession.  That is true if the profession to which she is referring is being married to Krystle's niece.  This whole race car driver thing is pretty ridiculous.  Meanwhile, Sammy Jo is enjoying her status as the third Mrs. Carrington.

Look who is fitting in at the mansion

Look who is fitting in at the mansion

Fallon tries once again to connect with Nick, but Nick says neither is in a place to be together.  Besides, Nick wants Krystle.  An upset Fallon turns to Alexis of all people, and Alexis gives great advice to her married, pregnant daughter.  Find out who the other woman is and fight for the man you want, even if it will end your marriage to Jeff.  (No wonder Blake banished Alexis.)  Blake's advice, or command, really is not much better.  He commands Jeff to move back into the home and put off the divorce for a while.  The child deserves to have both parents living in the house.   Because, nothing is healthier for a newborn child than having Jeff and Fallon at each other's throats. 

Just walk away from this mess Blake, walk away

Just walk away from this mess Blake, walk away

When Blake asks to see Nick, Nick feels that Blake is onto him and Krystle.  What is there to be onto?  During the meeting, Blake senses that Nick does not like him.  He finally figured that out.  Nick mentions that he would have no beef with Blake if Blake had not harmed him or his family.  Nick slipped up there.  The mention of Nick's family piques Blake's interest and he asks for the personnel file on Dr. Nick.  

No ethical violation at all!

No ethical violation at all!

Blake has good reason to suspect Nick.  Nick is totally violating all ethical rules as he tries to get Krystle to divorce Blake for his own selfish reasons.  It's tough to determine whether Nick really loves Krystle (which is suggested by their first encounter) or wants Krystle to leave Blake to hurt him.  It probably is a little bit from Column A and Column B.  Krystle finally decides that she will divorce Blake after Alexis hints that she and Blake engaged in sexual relations in Italy. 

But, in true soap fashion, Krystle may have to change her mind when she learns of what happened to Blake.  Rhinewood's associates pay a visit to the football team locker room and tell the coach that they want the quarterback cut.  The coach, wisely, calls Blake instead.  Blake goes down to the team's facilities and sets Rhinewood's associates straight.  Or has he?  While leaving Denver Carrington with Jeff, a car drives by and drops some dynamite at Blake's car resulting in a huge explosion.  Everyone seems fine, until Blake reveals that he is blind.  Oh blindness, a soap opera staple. 

I hope the Denver Carrington limo is insured

I hope the Denver Carrington limo is insured

In this episode, Blake tells Fallon that he was raised poor and that his mother died when he was 4.  Remember this since that will change! 

Memorable Dialogue 

Jeff:  You know, Fallon, there was a time when I felt I couldn't live without you.  Now, I can't stand the sight of you. 

Fallon:  Hello, Krystle, you're looking well today.
Krystle:  Am I?
Fallon:  Yeah, playing musical bedrooms seems to suit you.
Krystle:  I'm not in the mood for any of your flip observations this morning, Fallon.

Steven:  I'm broke Sammy Jo
Sammy Jo:  You could have told me this.

Sammy Jo:  I mean, we're kind of sisters [referring to Fallon] now that I married Steven.  You did hear about that?
Alexis:  Yes, I heard about that.  I'm just thrilled to bits.
Sammy Jo:  Alexis, I guess, I can call you mother now, okay?
Alexis:  No, it's not okay.  Neither Alexis nor mother is okay.  I'm Mrs. Carrington.  You'll remember that - won't you?
Sammy Jo:  Sure, that's easy, Mrs. Carrington.  That makes three of us now.

Krystle:  I'm thinking about you and my husband.
Alexis:  Yeah, I would too if I were you.  Say what you like Krystle about Blake and me in Italy together for those few days.  And think that maybe, just maybe, we're two people who are really meant for each other.


Previous Episode - Sammy Jo and Steven Marry
Next Episode - Blake's Blindness