dynasty Episode 88 - The Mortgage
Things are going pretty crappy in the Carrington family. Blake has lost Denver Carrington. Jeff has lost Fallon. Steven has lost Danny. Steven blames Adam for the loss of Steven. This whole family could come apart but they cannot. As Blake tells them during his pep talk, the Carringtons are an example for others to follow. Now, you can take that for what it is worth, or what kind of example they are. Blake is certain everything will right itself if they pull together as a family.
Time to pull this clan together, Blake!
As noted, Steven blames Adam for allowing Sammy Jo to run off with Danny. It really is not Adam's fault but he should know better than to trust Sammy Jo. Steven has hired a private investigator to track down Sammy Jo and Danny but there has been no luck yet. At the same time, Steven is preparing his resignation at Colby Co. because he cannot conduct business that same way his mother does. Alexis needs Steven and does not want him to leave - not at least until the end of the trial. Steven agrees to stay on until the end of the trial.
Claudia, your hands are much softer than Ted Dinard's
The trial is set for November. Adam informs Alexis he cannot get it moved. That is the second piece of bad legal advice Adam has given this episode. Of course the criminal defendant can get the trial moved. Also, Adam told Steven and the family that the police would not get involved in the custody battle because Sammy Jo has unlimited visitation rights. Those rights do not include the right to off with your son.
There was a similar scene between Lando and Nien Nunb in Return of the Jedi that was cut out
Knowing that Dominique wants to bring her singing talents to the States, Brady has booked an excellent gig for Dominique in Las Vegas. Too bad, Dominique does not want it. She would much prefer to perform at some hotel in Denver before crowds of 50 or so people. Heck, Dominique tells Claudia she is willing to perform for free. Brady knows Dominique is in Denver for more than trying to expand her listening audience.
Just tell the truth Dominique, for all of our sakes
All Dominique will tell Brady is that she has business with Blake Carrington, but will not tell her own husband what sort of business. This is the sort of the thing that causes you to lose your husband, Dominique (that and the fact Billy Dee Williams only signed up for a few episodes). Being cryptic is Dominique's thing. Claudia picked up on that, and she is mentally unstable. At her first performance at La Mirage, Dominique meets Blake again and Krystle. Blake apologizes for his rudeness back at Denver Carrington and hopes to see Dominique again. Dominique assures Blake that he will.
Getting ready to perform
Jeff is frantic in the hope of finding Fallon. Of course, many of the tips to the police are ridiculous and getting no where. At one point, the police believe they found a body which may be Fallon. At the morgue, however, Jeff and Krystle realize that it is not Fallon. That night, Jeff is having a horrible nightmare where he has a flashback dream of Fallon's accident with the truck. Funny, how can Jeff have a flashback of something he never witnessed. At least Jeff's flashback of Fallon triggered by Dominique's singing is actually of something Jeff experienced first hand.
I have never seen that kind of sign before
The following day, the police actually have a real lead. A trucker clams to have picked up Fallon and to have taken her to Portland. Next stop for Jeff, Portland.
The episode is not that bad, Jeff
Blake is determined to rebuild Denver Carrington which includes using the same name. Legally, I do not know if that is possible but since the legal advice has been amateurish this episode, does it really matter. Blake is going to raise money and repurchase some of the assets seized by the banks. (Why hasn't Alexis made an offer, she seems to be manipulating everything else?) Blake slums it to a strip mall bank, Denver Lawlor, to see what he get as a mortgage for the mansion.
Blake is really going to raise $12.2 million at a strip mall
Meanwhile, Krystle, going against Blake's wishes, has sold her engagement ring, furs, and jewelry and was able to raise $4.5 million. What the hell! Krystle is like a gold mine on her own. Anyway, Denver Lawlor is able to get a single investor for the mansion's mortgage - Alexis. The only requirement, Alexis wants to own the note personally. In the end, Blake gets $12.2 million for the mortgage on the home.
Take the money, Blake
With this money, and some additional funds raised through selling art, Blake is able to buy back three of his oil fields and the South China Sea leases at bargain basement prices. Blake is back in business. Bad news for Blake when he learns that Alexis is the one who fronted the money for the mortgage. When Blake confronts Alexis about it, Alexis claims that the mansion was to be a showcase for her and she is getting what was supposed to be hers. (BTW, Cecil did have a mansion of his own.) Blake could kill Alexis, but not this time, because he will have the satisfaction of knowing that Alexis will not be living in the mansion. Instead, Alexis will be living in jail when the jury finds her guilty of Mark Jennings murder.
So that is how Alexis is going to wave goodbye
Memorable Dialogue
Alexis: Damn that check. I should have killed Mark Jennings before I gave it to him.
Blake: I hope we meet again, Miss Deveraux.
Dominique: Oh, we will Mr. Carrington, believe me.
Claudia [referring to Dominique]: She certainly does like to make cryptic exits.
It's traumatizing dreaming about scenes you were not in
Blake: Why are you doing this?
Alexis: You bought that mansion as a show place for me, remember. And, by God, now it's going to be. And, when you and your precious Krystle drive away, I'm going to stand at the door, waving goodbye.
Blake: There have been times I wanted to kill you, but not now. You've got a murder trial coming up. When they find you guilty, I want to be there and take a look at your face when you realize that you will not be living in my home for the rest of your life. You're going to be in a prison, and that's the day I can't wait for.
Previous Episode - Disappearance
Next Episode - Fallon