dynasty Episode 89 - Fallon
As my mother so eloquently used to put it, something must have crawled up Steven's ass and died. I probably should use a less offensive phrase. In any event, Steven is just in a pissy mood. Now, it is understandable because Fallon is gone and Sammy Jo is somewhere with Danny, but it seems something else is eating him. Steven is not thrilled that Alexis undercut his bid for some leases in Louisiana by $50,000. Steven put a lot of effort into that bid and now there is a possibility that someone could come in and takes those leases. The discussion ended up on the merits of money and Alexis's persecution complex. Steven is not impressed with his mother's assertions of innocence.
I wonder what Alexis is watching on Wednesday nights
Steven is still pissed with Adam for letting Sammy Jo take Danny. Adam stumbles home drunk one night and there is Steven waiting for him to provide him some black coffee and to chastise him again over Danny. Adam may be pretty wasted but he was cleared headed enough to relay a message to Steven about his pretty roommate in boarding school who would like to reminisce (we all know about what) unless it would interfere with Steven's new heterosexual lifestyle. Doesn't it always begin in boarding school - well for the well off at least.
Alexis does not like the dust in the mansion
Steven is even short with the love of his life - Claudia (yeah, I realize that was difficult to type). Claudia wants Steven to open up but Steven is holding it all in. Ridiculously, Steven accuses Claudia of putting too much effort into La Mirage. Claudia, rightly, calls him out. The lovers' quarrel is interrupted by a short call from Sammy Jo who wants to meet Steven in Los Angeles the following Friday to have a serious discussion on the custody of Danny.
Did Dominique put this together herself
Dominique continues to pretend that she is enjoying her stay in Denver. While Claudia is unsuccessful in pumping Dominique for information on her background, Dominique is able to get her attorney, JJ, to give her information on Blake's finances. Dynomite! JJ wonders why Dominique wants this information. She is not seriously going to help Blake out? Dominique wants the information to determine her next move. Oh, and she needs JJ to keep Brady out of it.
My most dramatic firing yet
Alexis has to be the worst criminal defendant that Warren Ballard, the top criminal defense attorney in the United States, has ever dealt. Warren, by the way, is the stereotypical stuffy attorney out of the Paper Chase. For better or worse, Warren is kind of a prick and wants Alexis to hire a public relations agency to improve her image in the press. (I wonder what Tracy is doing.) Alexis has a better idea, why not have Adam be the lead attorney. The jury would love a son defending his mother. That does not sit well with Warren's ego. This leaves Alexis with only one solution, she fires Warren. It's all up to you Adam.
It's Lucas from the Colbys. Oh, wrong show. Hi Billy Waite
Desperate financial times for Blake, calls for desperate measure. Blake is willing to raise money from any source to help him explore and start drilling for oil in the South China Sea. He and Krystle head off to Caracus to meet with Billy Waite, a wealthy businessman who prefers South America to keep away from American authorities. Billy greets Blake and Krystle and allows them to stay in the same room that he allowed Blake and Alexis to enjoy years ago. Krystle does not like Blake dealing with such shady characters, but Blake can handle himself.
There is the baby bump
Blake makes his pitch to Billy and Billy says he needs a few days to think about it. Meanwhile, Alexis gets wind that Blake has left the country but wants to know where. She tries to get the information from Steven, but he is keeping quiet. Alexis should target someone more emotionally vulnerable. How about Jeff? When asking Jeff about his search for Fallon, Alexis slyly gets Jeff to mention that Blake is in Caracus.
Hey Krystle, while you are down there, why don't you. . you know. . .
Alexis figures out that Blake must be to see Billy Waite. She heads off to Caracus and tries to convince Billy to give Blake the money he needs, while Billy tries to convince Alexis to go to bed. Alexis does not need to sleep with Billy, and I don't blame her. Billy is kind of creepy. As Alexis leaves from her meeting with Billy to return to Denver, the Venezuelan military police show up. Has there been another coup? No, there is a warrant out for Alexis's arrest.
All the way to Venezuela for the margaritas
Maybe if Alexis did not fire her attorney, she would realize that she cannot be leaving the country while awaiting trial for murder. Now, I have to say that I am impressed that a warrant was issued so quickly. Someone had to have snitched. Oh, and why is the FBI involved. In any event, a Venezuelan military person will escort Alexis to Miami where she will be held until being extradited to Colorado. If Alexis wanted to keep her trip to Venezuela a secret - there goes that.
Alexis probably would have preferred a coup
In Portland, Jeff visits a hostel because that is where Fallon would have gone since she had no money. Those headaches must have messed up Fallon badly if she is forced to stay in a hostel. A man at the hostel tells Jeff that Fallon was not there but was cryptic enough to make Jeff disbelieve him. Another person at the hostel, Emily, overhears the two and contacts Jeff and lets Jeff know that Fallon has gone to Seattle.
I don't think Fallon is in the fireplace
In Seattle, Jeff meets with a monk who has seen Fallon but she was going by another name. Jeff does not care what name she was going by (maybe you should), he just wants to see her. That is going to be kind of hard since Fallon is dead. Blake finds Jeff sitting by the fireplace and asks about Fallon and Jeff gives Blake the bad news.
Nope, Fallon is dead!
Memorable Dialogue
Alexis: The best things in life are free or some other such misguided phrase designed to placate those who are not rich.
Alexis: Well, since you have not come up with anything better, you are fired.
Adam: Mother, you cannot mean that.
Alexis: Oh yes I can. I have fired chauffeurs and secretaries in my time. I have fired vice presidents and heads of corporations and I am now firing you Mr. Ballard. My business affairs people will messenger your check. Good day .
Alexis [to Krystle]: I've also noticed that this house is in a very shabby condition these days; definitely run down in case no one has had the nerve to tell you.
Alexis: Don't worry, you can have Blake. I just want the mansion.
Alexis [to Krystle]: Please, tell the staff - what's left of it - that I want this house kept in tip, top condition. Lots of spit, polish, and elbow grease, like the good old days when I lived here.
JJ: You look good.
Dominique: Yes, I know.
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Next Episode - The Rescue